Wednesday 11 February 2009

One year old today.......

Today I have been blogging for a year. When I started this journey I was not sure what I wanted from this blog. It has turned out a bit different to what I had imagined, as my idea was originally to publish my art and creative work, but since I do not produce very much these days it has become the little happening in my life, family life, chickens, cooking and gardening. With the occasional holiday thrown in. Although I have not been a constant blogger, I do enjoy the process and have learnt lots from it. My aim now is to try and carry on, blogging more frequently. I know a few chosen friends read it, but I need to spread my blogging wings and let you know out there, that I am here. It is all a matter of confidence, something I need to address. Please stick with me and hopefully I will grow.

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